Week 6 Newsletter

 Hi Families! 

We had a lot of fun this week in class. Students were challenged in all subjects and really persevered, found strengths and areas of growth as well. 


I-Ready Results- We will be sending home their iReady results with them today. 


Reading / Writing - Students are finishing up the second unit of our first module. This week, we discussed how people in different countries overcame learning challenges. We also learned about the geographical features of these countries, which tied in our current geography unit. Next week, students will be writing a cumulative report telling about what they learned. We will work our way through the writing process as we go.


Expedition - This week we began our geography unit. The students learned about some of the continents and what their geographical and cultural features are. We will continue to work on the same thing next week and also learn about the oceans. 

All Block - This week we have been learning about root words. We will be continuing this work and adding in work on inferring skills. 

Math - This week we started to work on understanding the Distributive Property of multiplication. This has been a challenge for students. Please know that we expect students to understand the distributive property, but they are welcome to use other strategies if they have them when solving word problems and equations. Students will take their unit 3 test Thursday. We will send home a review sheet for homework on Wednesday. 


Important Information

Thursday September 23- Field Day! (Please make sure your child has appropriate dress.  They will need tennis shoes, a water bottle, possibly a sweater and change of clothes depending on the weather.) We have been talking about collaboration and teamwork in crew between all three grades. Please have a discussion with your child about what this means for field day.


Friday September 24- No School (This is a Professional Development Day for teachers.)



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